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"Whats next?" and other fear inducing phrases.

Almost 3 years ago I learned about a personality system called The Enneagram, and this week I started a 12 week long course to become a certified Enneagram Coach. A lot has happened between those two statements, and I'd love to tell you about it and where we are going from here if you'd care to read on.

Hey you're still here...may I just say you're the real MVP, thank you!

If you don't know what the Enneagram is here is an overview.

Peter and I just did an interview about The Enneagram and relationships HERE if you'd like to hear it!

Peter and I started a Instagram account about the Enneagram back in October called, and just for fun started posting information about the nine types along with pictures Peter had taken. We had been bringing up the Enneagram to each other almost daily, as it has really opened our eyes to our distinct differences, and helped us have grace for those around us.

This Instagram account was a great outlet for me to be writing regularly (something I feel called to do), nerd out about a topic I'm fascinated with, and something fun for us to do together.

Fast forward 5 months and we now have 15,000 followers, over 2,500

e-mail subscribers, and WAY way too many unread direct messages waiting for responses. Its been a roller coaster, but such an amazing platform to share how the gospel transformations your life when you realize your need for a savior.

Back in December we published our Spotify playlists for each Enneagram type, and before we knew it we were unable to store all the e-mails we collected for free. In fact it looks like $50 a month is a good price for storing over 2,000 e-mails or being able to e-mail that many people at all! (Did you know g-mail only allows you to send 500 e-mail a day? neither did I!)

This “problem” created the opportunity and almost necessity to start making money if we want to be able to grow any further. So here’s what we are feeling called to do next:

• Being a certified coach. I'm so exciting about what the possibilities are with becoming an Enneagram coach! I'm planning to do one-on-one coaching, speak at conferences, do more podcast interviews, teach team building using the Enneagram at business’, and eventually host Enneagram workshops in the Thurston county area. That being said; becoming a coach is expensive... so that brings up to point #2:

• Fundraising. We know we have a huge group of people that love and support what we are doing, which has given us the opportunity to host a fundraiser later this month. We will be selling t-shirts with an Enneagram logo (being created by Bee and Bumble design) and the profits are going into our education as Enneagram coaches.

• Books. I’m currently working on writing 11 booklets that’ll give you tips and tools for growth once you’ve found your Enneagram number. I’m super excited about these, and hope they'll provide quality information for our followers and in our own coaching.

This summer I should be ready to start coaching, and if any of you are interested in learning about the Enneagram or being coached in how to use it in your life, I'd love you to follow my Facebook coaching page. I’d also encourage you to reach out to me if you’d be willing to some of my first clients (for very little $$) and help me hone my process.

Thanks for reading all this, and caring about the path that God is taking us on!

Much love,

Elisabeth Bennett

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